
Calibre download metadata and update command line
Calibre download metadata and update command line

A list of books that are duplicated will appear. Click on it and in the window that appears choose Fuzzy under both the Title Matching and Author Matching headings and click OK. Once restarted, Calibre will display a Find Duplicates entry in the toolbar. Selecting Fuzzy gives you the best chance of finding the greatest number of duplicate ebooks. Instead of Dickens, Charles-which is sorted under C rather than D-you should see Charles Dickens. Hopefully, title and author information will be cleaned up as well. For example, you’ll probably see more entries under Publisher than before. When you do this you’ll find that your library contains more information than it once did. After downloading new metadata choose to attach it to your ebooks. Once the process is complete you’ll be asked if you’d like to replace your books’ metadata. This can take a long time if you have a large library. Calibre will go online and try to track down the most appropriate metadata for the books in your library, including cover art. In order to do that, select all the books in your library and choose Edit Metadata > Download Metadata And Covers. Those books will be imported into Calibre’s library.Ĭleaning up the metadata: You can clear up a lot of your problems simply by attaching better metadata-information such as author, title, genre, and year of publication, for example-to your books. Click on the first book in the resulting list, hold down the Shift key, and then click on the list’s last book. If you’ve created those smart folders I suggested, you can do this by choosing Add Books > Add Books From a Single Directory and in the sheet that appears, select the appropriate smart folder from the sidebar. Importing your books: Now let’s get your books into Calibre. Choosing a device type in the Calibre setup wizard. Then click Finish in the next window and the Calibre library window appears. If you have an iOS device, click on Apple. If you have a Kindle or want to use the Kindle iOS app, choose Amazon. When you click Next in the setup wizard you’ll be asked to choose the kind of device you’re using. By default the library is called Calibre Library and is placed within your user folder, but you can change that location if you like.

calibre download metadata and update command line

When you first launch Calibre it will prompt you to do that. Create a library: You’ll want to start by creating a folder for your books.

Calibre download metadata and update command line